Who’s That Knocking At The Door

Translated from German. The poet was a Viennese Jew.

Who’s That Knocking At The Door?
Theodor Kramer (1897–1958)

Who’s that knocking at the door
Too early for most souls?
It’s just the baker’s boy my pet
Dropping off some rolls

Who’s that knocking at the door?
I’ll go, my child, don’t stir
Just a man at the neighbours’
Asking who we were

Who’s that knocking at the door?
Run your bath, you needn’t care
That letter we’re expecting
Here’s the postman on the stair

Who’s that knocking at the door?
Now there, just make the bed
It’s the landlord: we’re to be out
On the first of the month, he said.

Who’s that knocking at the door?
The fuchsia blossom is so near –
My sweetheart, pack my toilet bag
And don’t weep while they’re stil here.

Herald letter: “Scotland And Self-Determination” (from Saturday.)

I AM asked directly (Letters, July 7) regarding civil and political freedoms enjoyed in Scotland whether these should not include self-determination, and whether the outcome of the Brexit referendum does not show a deficiency in these liberties.

In response, I would point out that the independence referendum of September 2014 was the biggest ever exercise in self-determination that Scotland had then ever seen, and that this was only exceeded by the Brexit referendum in which Scotland participated as part of the UK.

The 2014 outcome resulted in the participation of every Scottish voter in 2016 as to whether the UK should remain in or leave the EU: the question was not about Scotland, nor did any ballot paper bear the disclaimer “Does not apply in Scotland.” While a majority of Scottish voters rejected the proposition, the same can be said of London and various other parts of the UK, and the vote of every Scot was equal to that of every other voter, whatever their postcode or background.

Your readers may wish to reflect that those who deny these facts, such as some of your correspondents, are the true deniers of Scottish self-determination. The same applies to those, including the SNP, who seek to undermine the choices we have freely made both as Scottish and British voters.

Peter A Russell,

Wee letter in Herald – Scotland is free already.

IAIN Macwhirter rightly points out that “the case for national liberation is much more difficult in a country like Scotland when people do not feel oppressed or denied civil or political rights”.

There is also an extremely good reason why we do not feel oppressed: the civil and political rights we enjoy are amongst the best in the world, and Scots have no missing freedoms to be gained from independence.

Peter A Russell